I completed another composition from my Avila Beach reference photos last night in my studio. I’d worked on this on/off for a couple weeks. I wanted to include the sky, so I could work on relating the light from the sky to the ground and shadow planes. I also tried to balance rich color with grays. I think a painting should be balanced in many ways, from values of the big shapes, to color temperature, light and shadow, and color in terms of grays vs full saturation.
I’m preparing for a return to San Luis Obispo September 27 to October 4th to participate in San Luis Obispo Plein Air. Also, I’ll be painting in Lake Tahoe next week, for North Tahoe Plein Air, September 9-13. If you’re in the area, stop by for the show. The public exhibit and sale will be Saturday, September 12, from noon to 7:00 pm and Sunday, September 13, from 11:00 – 4:00. This all takes place at the Village at Northstar the same weekend as the Autumn Food and Wine Festival, but you don’t need tickets for the North Tahoe Plein Air event. It’s my first plein air event in a quite a while, so looking forward to connecting with old friends there.

Wonderful painting. Thanks for the info on the SLO show… It might be an excuse to drive on up to see the show…. and your work in person!!
Great, Marian, hope to see you there. Say hello.
Really nice work, Ed, as always. Love the foreground water and the shading on the cliff. Beautiful.
This one’s the winner! Nice work Ed.