Just back from Chicago tonight, had a great time. Weather was perfect. The days before we arrived were unbearable, high heat, high humidity. We suffered some rain, but other than that, great weather. We lucked out!
I was inspired by Katherine Tryrell’s recent travel sketches to do some of my own. I rarely use watercolor, but that’s the best travel medium, so I took a small kit with me to sketch with. Of the several I did, these are the ones I’m most comfortable sharing. I’m really an oil painter, so whenever I paint in watercolor it’s like a new world.
Mike (my partner of 17+ years now) finished the Gay Games marathon in 4 hours, 21 minutes and 23 seconds. Plenty of time to sketch! I did these quick sketches on a small pad while others waited. I’m really proud of him. Imagine running 26.2 miles, without stopping over 4+ hours? And to think I occassionally participate in a day long “drawing marathon”. No comparison.

Marathon Wait #1 – Watercolor
Marathon Wait #2 – Watercolor
The watercolors are great. I know what you mean about them being a whole new medium. I paint mostly pastels, acrylics and oils and ventures into watercolor are adventures. 🙂
Congratulations to Mr. Estrada on the marathon. Wow.
Ed, I think #2 has a beautiful feel, you got the figure in just a few strokes, and should be a great reference to do a small painting from.