Tonight….was one of the best, ever. I won First Place at the San Luis Obispo Plein Air 2006!
The SLO Art Center held a special reception tonight for collectors, a preview before the show officially opens tomorrow. Awards were announced. There are so many great artists at this show that I admire, like Terri Ford, Brent Jensen, Jeanette LeGrue, Elizabeth Tolley and William Wray. I never expected to hear my name–I was honored to even be there!
Two awards were announced. As they were, musuem staff brought the winning paintings off the wall to the anouncing judge so he could talk about it. I wasn’t paying too much attention until the judge said he didn’t have far to walk for the next award. He was standing in front of my paintings! Then they announced my name. Yikes! I thought I won third place–again, I wasn’t really paying attention. When I got the envelop (with a check, yah!) the envelop said 1st Place. I’ve never won first…Director’s Purchase Prize at the last show, but not first.
The judge was a local collector and new the area well. He’d said how well I’d captured the area and the weather of the week (intermittent rain/sun). I believe he said he like the clouds…I don’t know…I was in a daze.
My friend from Estes Park, Scott Lloyd Andersen, won “Best of Show”. A great painting of Conner’s Cove. We actually had dinner Tuesday night, to share what we’d done so far and offer critiques/advice. Ever painting he showed was perfect–there was little I could add. For his winning painting, I did suggest softening one edge, but that’s it. He’s trying to get into galleries in California through these local events and after his win, I’m sure he’s on his way.
Thanks again to my regular blog readers for your help in selecting the top paintings for the show! I received 11 comments the first day of the post!
Tomorrow is the “QuickDraw”, a 2 hour painting competition in the area around the San Luis Obispo Mission. This morning, I walked around, did some sketches and took photos at the same time as the competition (9:30AM). I think I’m going to paint one of the two scenes below. Wish me luck!
SLO History Museum….Look at the tree reflected in the window! I thin I’ll paint this one.

SLO White House & Fire Hydrant
Yeah! Clap clap clap! Congratulations Ed!
I’m most happy for you. Yet another well deserved award.
I love your photo of the history museum – wonderful shapes and lines.
Hey Ed…
Bill Wray was talking about this competition and show on the plein air forum at Wetcanvas. Congratulations on first place!!!!! How exciting for you.
I would wager to say well deserved too as what brought me to your blog was viewing the painting on the daily painter’s blog, which caught my eye.
Great opportunities it sounds out there for you painters. Somewhat envious as our greatest (and only) claim to fame here in Wisconsin is football and beer! I’m too stubborn to move somewhere like Chicago, where my artist son lives. I gotta have open wild space…though less opportunity.
Keep up the great work…and hope success continues to follow your way.
WOW! Congrats to you, Ed! I have painted in the area with Libby Tolley and you really HAVE captured the feeling, light and mood of the locations. A real sense of place in your winning piece! It is just glowing and I’m sure it’s even more beautiful in “person”. Love the composition of your photos…have fun painting the rest of the weekend!
Best, Janette
WAY TO GO!!!! 1st Prize YIPEEEE! Well deserved!!! A beautiful painting, not surprised the clouds caught the judges eye!!
Congratulations Ed – thats very cool!
Thanks, Colin. I’m enjoying two weeks off, but believe it or not–looking forward to catching up on BankWatch, Great reading!
Thanks, Janette. I was able to speak to Libby Tolley this week and learned she’s putting the final touches on her first art book. She’s worked on it for a year now and it seems she’s releived to see it come to fruition. I noted that there are SO MANY art books out there, how was hers going to be different? The good news is she has her own personal approach that will come through in the book. Can’t wait to see it.
Congratulations! So exciting. I’ve been loosely following you for a few weeks or so and kind of feel like I know you. Iknow that’s really weird. Chalk it up to cyper space. Anyway great job!
Hi Ed,
I can’t wait for Libby’s book either…I know it’s been in the works for a while. She contacted all her workshop participants to comment on what info we found helpful in her workshop…I’m hoping it will be on the plein air experience. She certainly is a generous teacher and I really enjoyed and learned alot from her. She is honest, uplifting and fun! Have you seen Landscape Meditations by Elizabeth Mowry? It is not a “how to” book but rather “an artist’s guide to exploring themes in landscape painting”. I really like it.
On another note, have you entered anything in Raymars’ Art Contest? Check it out on (I think thats the address) They pick 12 finalists each month and it’s great to read the critiques by the juror of the month…the end of the year they pick one (Kevin MacPherson judges) grand prize was 10,000 and workshop mentor program in France.
Janette, I wasn’t aware of Elizabeth Mowry’s book. Sounds really interesting, I’ll need to check it out–although it’s not as if I don’t have enough art books! I have so many, but you know re-reading them helps. Sometimes the first read doesn’t take.
I have entered the RayMar contest before…think I will again this year. I do use RayMar panels almost exclusively.
Ed – well done you!!! Many, many congratulations – it’s a very well deserved win and I hope it will bring you lots of good things in the future – as I’m sure it will. I’m only sorry that I missed getting to your vote in time – but you had some very cogent advice – and your own sense of the importance of Marsh was spot on. More larger canvases for the next one maybe?
You may get an e-mail requesting that plein air painting spots guide for the coast south of you as there’s a bloke called Chris who wants some guidance on where to paint in the Monterey/Carmel area and I suggested he contact you.
Have a lovely two weeks off and come back reinvigorated for the next competition!
I have been taking a look at your paintings for a while.
They are really great!!!